Lazy Day means Head Wrap

Lazy day throw on a head wrap.

What people may not realize that on my most laziest day I am throwing on a head wrap. It’s instant glamour to a bad hair day, deep conditioning treatment, a hair style not completed, weave not blended properly and or a sick day. A head wrap is my last resort but never fails. If you are not a head wrap person you are missing out. It’s n instant crown.

A Great Vintage Trendy Tshirt

Who loves Sade? 

Its always special when someone pays attention to you and my daughter knows I love Sade. I wanted to name her after her and I sing her music while cleaning all the time. She’s up there with Lauryn Hill with me. She’s a classic. What’s better then someone paying attention to the things you like is buying you things you like and my oldest bought me this Sade tshirt. Talk about a new favorite. I love it.

A vintage tshirt is always a great gift.

Sade tshirt Urban OutfittersJeans Frame Denim
Lipstick Kat Von D Everlasting Glimmer Veil in Shockful

Work Hard, Work Hard

They say its work hard play hard but so far its work hard, work hard. I start my mornings working out, making breakfast, kids, blog, edit, makeup, plan, kids, husband, chores, cook lunch and repeat. Not much socializing. But I know if I stay focus my hard work will lead to play hard. So I continue to grind. FYI I slowed down on my Keto diet. It made me slow, and lack luster. On the to next. 

Jacket All Saints
Top Charlie Jade
Bralette Charlie Jade
Jeans Madewell
Glasses Warby Parker